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How was Yahoo created and what is it?

How was the is the largest American company that is one of the most popular search engines systems in the world.

Currently, the portal includes a popular e -mail service Yahoo! Mail.

one of the oldest and most popular on the Internet

History of creating the site yahoobegan in 1994.

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History of creation yahoo

Creators are graduate students of the universityDavid files(English.David Filo) andJerry Young(English. Jerry Yang).

They created a web - a site called "Waterpower Jerry on the World Wide Web."

Further in 1994, students renamed the project in Yahoo! There are also several versions of the origin of the name.

The first theory says the name of the name from the book of Jonathan Swift “Traveling Gulliver” (in the Russian translation of Yehu, Eh).
The second version of the name speaks of the phrase another hierarchical uninquisitive (unofficial) soothsayer ”(Eng.'yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle).
The creators and founders of the project insist on the first version of the name.

founders Young and files quickly appreciated the potential of the site and already in 1995 founded a corporation called yahoo!.

from 1997 to 1999 This is a period of rapid growth. Speech systems MSN, Lycos, Excite and Yahoo! In this period, the popularity of these systems grew at high speed.

Desto in order for users to visit these systems as much as possible, the founders add as many more unique information and services.

Yahoo portal! In 1997, in March, there was a grand event, the corporation acquired the Rocketmail portal - Postal service.

Thus, the Yahoo! Mail service appeared. But the basis for Yahoo! Games, and Egroups is the


in 1999 appeared a service for exchanging messages called Yahoo! Messenger.

2000 and 2001 for the company was a boom. The site unfortunately under the influence of ill -wishers was subjected to DDOS attack and suspended the work for some time.

Then the period came from 2002 to 2006 - finally the company became a fairly large Internet portal.

also during this period Yahoo! I took up the telecommunications market. In 2002, the company buys other search engines.

in 2004 Yahoo! He ceases to use a search engine called Google and switches to his own.

A little later, the services of Yahoo! Music, Flickr and Yahoo!360 ° and acquired a number of social services - BLO.GS,, and Webjay.
from 2007 to the present - Work is underway on the version of Yahoo! Next which will be taken as the basis of the portal.

in 2008 in winter Microsoft wanted to buy Yahoo! For $ 44.6 billion

in 2004 was published by a new postal system based on Ajax. And in 2007, users on these postal services allowed to store many letters on the box.

Then the Russian version of the postal system was released.

Postal service was improved and in 2012 the creators introduced many convenient things for people.

improved writing letters, viewing messages and answers to them.

improved the speed of viewing and updating on the site. In the same year, the company released applications for smartphones.

In 2013, it became possible to attach files with a large weight to letters (more than 25 MB).

the revenue of the system from 2008 to the present is $ 7.209 billion

Starting from 2015 to this day, the company continues to develop and improve its service - it is mainly a search engine and a postal gateway.

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