FB accounts for advertising, PL IP (Poland), avatar + completed profile + reposts + NEW TYPE FP with publications, there can be friends, confirmed by mail (mail included), 2 BMs created with RK and confirmed mail (included), Limit 50-250$ BM with administrator access format - login:password:birthday:link to profile:user-agent:token:mail:cookies:2FA:BM mail:BM ID Item No.10985
- Full information is available on the product page
450.00 ₽
22 PC.
FB accounts for advertising, GB IP (England), avatar + completed profile + reposts + NEW TYPE FP with publications, there can be friends, confirmed by mail (mail included), 2 BMs created with RK and confirmed mail (included), Limit 50-250$ BM Item No.11023
- Full information is available on the product page
450.00 ₽
19 PC.
FB accounts for advertising, USA IP, avatar + completed profile + reposts + NEW TYPE FP with publications, can be friends, confirmed by mail (mail included), 2 BMs created with RK and confirmed mail (included), Limit 50-250 $ Item No.11054
- Full information is available on the product page
450.00 ₽
17 PC.
- Completed profile - Confirmed by mail, mail included. In rare cases, several emails may be linked to an account; when requesting codes from emails not attached to the account, replacements will not be made. Confirmed via SMS, we are trying to delete the number to process checks. - Joining, viewing and liking posts in thematic groups - Generated feed, recommendations and news from groups and friends are displayed - Advertising is displayed in the feed (imitation of a real user’s profile) - 2 BMa (possibly the presence of rk). Limit bma 50-250 - Token for car loading - Farming/entry from USA IP is possible. - 2fa can be activated for trust Item No.27023
- Full information is available on the product page
500.00 ₽
16 PC.
Аккаунты ФБ для рекламы, USA IP, аватарка + заполненный профиль + репосты + ФП НОВОГО ТИПА, могут быть друзья, подтвержден по почте (почта в комплекте) создано 2 БМа, ПЗРД, LIMIT 50-250$ | формат - логин:пароль:день рождения:ссылка на профиль:юзер-агент:токен:почта:куки:2FA отлежка 7 дней+ Item No.27759
- Full information is available on the product page
625.00 ₽
14 PC.
Facebook Accounts Mexico Elevated Trust | Created 2 BM 50/250$ |2FA|BM confirmed by mail| Manual registration |Profile is empty or partially filled + Farm | Confirmed by SMS and mail. Mail included | Gender: F/M | Names EN | Useragent and Cookies included | Suitable for filling cars, Akki performs well as a “Nurse”, ideal for those who work with BM | Photo for passing the ZRD included (passage 99%+) | Reg. MX IP
Registration and all actions on accounts were carried out from the IP countries of MX. Manual farming
Confirmed via SMS and email @proton.me, email included.
2 business managers (BM) have been created. The BM has passed the air defense test.
Avatar added.
Useragent and cookies (Json) included.
Gender female or male random
Login from any IP Mexico
LOGIN TO YOUR ACCOUNT STRICTLY THROUGH USERAGENT + COOKIE. Otherwise there are no replacements or refunds.
If you are logged into your account and there is either a check or a ban, then this may be caused by you (most often inappropriate proxies) and the account cannot be returned or exchanged. No replacements will be made after you log into your account.
Format of issued accounts:
Login|Password|UserAgent|mail|2FA|Link to documents|Cookie
Entry guidelines:
antidetect browser login via user agent and cookies will last at least a day login with the IP specified at the beginning of the account
Once logged into your account, no changes will be made. All accounts are verified in this way before being put up for sale! Item No.12599
- Full information is available on the product page
638.00 ₽
1 PC.
- Farm with 2 BM
- Account is 2 months old
- farmed from 2 months
- the peculiarity of farming is that it was done chaotically, so that Facebook would not determine the gluing of identical actions
- manual registration by email;
- selfie check passed and number (number deleted)
- geo Ukraine
- Interface language - UA
- Names on UA
- 100+ friends (live Ukrainian audience);
- Gender Female;
- activity on FB (each time a story was posted, stories were reviewed and liked on them, correspondence, likes, games, reposts, videos, etc.);
- activity outside the FB (shops, sites, services, etc.);
- mail and two-factor authentication;
- 10 photos on social media (unique avatar and background);
- FP with filling
- cookies from all browser activity (not only from FB) from 5k;
- the policy is accepted on all accounts;
- manually drawn means for passing the ZRD;
- Correspondence was carried out, the first blue print lessons were completed, 10 games were played, posts, likes and comments
- from 10 visits
- Ideal as Kings
Pharma description:
the account imitated a number of actions of a living person (scrolling through the feed, liking posts, reposting posts, comments, posting stories, correspondence with friends, scrolling through groups and games), completing blue print lessons, creating a FanPage (formatting information and posting posts, adding friends), subscription to online stores (likes and comments), visiting UA sites and online stores, ordering from 5 products, authorization of sites via Facebook, 10-15 logins on the account, session time from 4 hours.
Selfie check passed
- 10 photos
- additional mail
- card for passing the ZRD
- Login cookies in .json format
- Table with data (2FA key for the Google Authificator extension, login, account password and login email password and profile link
Format: RAR archive with data. Item No.23887
- Full information is available on the product page
877.25 ₽
10 PC.
Accounts were registered on mobile devices. Available: 2fa, mail, added photos, interests, friends, completed courses from BluePrint, games, created from 1 to 3 FPs, created a pixel, native BM. The account was farmed for 15 days up to 20 sessions. IP Ukraine, operator (Kyivstar and Life). The account completely imitates the activities of a living person, interests are selected based on photos or life. On the account itself, there are up to 5 photos of a person in 15 days of farming, every day activities such as likes, reposts, publications, fake purchases, viewing ads on Facebook, playing games and visiting streams are also performed on Facebook. All accounts have friends. There are no correspondences with friends. There is also an external farm that used the pixel helper to search for cookies and Facebook interests, carried out authorization through Facebook and made fake purchases. Interests from 3 to 20 pieces.
By following the link you get access to a file with information, a document and large cookies.
Account issuance format: Login:password:Date birth:Link to fb:Link to inst:mail login:mail password:full name:fp:bm:docs:cookies:user-agent:act:link to mail
Accounts were registered on mobile devices. Available: 2FA, mail, photos, interests, friends added, courses from BluePrint, games, 1 to 3 FP created, pixel created, native BM. The account was farmed for 15 days up to 20 sessions. IP Ukraine, operator (Kyivstar and Life). The account completely imitates the activity of a living person, interests are selected by photo or life. On the account itself, up to 5 photos of a person for 15 days of farming, every day the actions on the activity of likes, reposts, publications, fake purchases, viewing ads on Facebook, games and visiting streams also on Facebook are performed. Friends are present on all accounts. There are no correspondence with friends. There is also external farming, pixel helper was used to search for cookies and Facebook interests, authorization was carried out through Facebook and fake purchases. Interests from 3 to 20 pcs. LOGIN REQUIRED BY COOKIE By clicking on the link you get access to the file with information, doc and large cookies. Account issuance format:Login:password:Date of birth:Link to FB:Link to Instagram:mail login:password from mail:full name:FP:BM:docs:cookies:user-agent:act:link to mail
Item No.24392
- Full information is available on the product page
FB Ukraine - Manual FARM - KING with BM 20 days (Mail, 2FA, from 2fp, BM 1-3, courses, pixel, friends, user agent, cookies, token, act) (Documents included) (supplier #15, product #24392)
1,362.90 ₽
12 PC.
- Completely manual farming - Registrations on other sites via Facebook - Manual feeding of cookies (clicks on ads, purchases on sites) - 1-2 FP with posts - 0- 1 BM created through Instagram (There may be native PPRD) - Friends on each account - Activity within Facebook (focus on the actions of an ordinary user) - Documents for passing the PPRD upon request - Full cookies included - Photo for selfie pass included
Mail included https://firstmail.ltd
Issue format: Name Login Pass Name User Agent Link Birthday Email 2FA Token Cookies Selfie Item No.17537
- Full information is available on the product page
837.90 ₽
8 PC.
- Completely manual farming - Registrations on other sites via Facebook - Manual feeding of cookies (clicks on ads, purchases on sites) - 1-2 FP with posts - 0- 1 BM created through Instagram (There may be native PPRD) - Friends on each account - Activity within Facebook (focus on the actions of an ordinary user) - Documents for passing the PPRD upon request - Full cookies included - Photo for selfie pass included
Mail included https://firstmail.ltd
Issue format: Name Login Pass Name User Agent Link Birthday Email 2FA Token Cookies Selfie Item No.24442
- Full information is available on the product page
837.90 ₽
4 PC.
Accounts were registered on mobile devices. Available: 2fa, mail, added photos, interests, friends, completed courses from BluePrint, games, created from 1 to 3 FPs, created a pixel, native BM. The account was farmed for 15 days up to 20 sessions. IP Ukraine, operator (Kyivstar and Life). The account completely imitates the activities of a living person, interests are selected based on photos or life. On the account itself, there are up to 5 photos of a person in 15 days of farming, every day activities such as likes, reposts, publications, fake purchases, viewing ads on Facebook, playing games and visiting streams are also performed on Facebook. All accounts have friends. There are no correspondences with friends. There is also an external farm that used the pixel helper to search for cookies and Facebook interests, carried out authorization through Facebook and made fake purchases. Interests from 3 to 20 pcs. When purchasing, you get access to a file with information, a document and large cookies. Item No.28954
- Full information is available on the product page
Ukraine | King |Manual FARM | KING with BM 20+ days + Documents included + Large cookies (MAIL, 2FA, FROM 2FP, BM 1-3, COURSES, PIXEL, FRIENDS, INTERESTS, USER AGENT, COOKIES, TOKEN, ACT) (supplier #19, product #28954)
1,365.00 ₽
12 PC.
- Facebook accounts registered with ip USA.
- Verified by mail, mail included.
- Verified by SMS, we are trying to delete the number to process checks.
- Added fan page.
- 2 Business Managers (BM) were created. BM limit 50-250$.
- Farm.Generated feed, displays recommendations and news from groups and friends. It is possible to join, view and like posts in thematic groups.
- Displayingadvertising in the feed(simulating the profile of a real user).
- Profile filled.
- Token (EAAB), Useragent and Cookies included.Cookies in JSON format .
- 2FA can be activated.
Log into accounts strictly from a proxy of the country of registration! There are no replacements or refunds in any other case. An inappropriate token is not a reason for replacement or refund. Format of issued accounts: - Login:P arol:Ddate of birth:Fb_link_ID:UserAgent:Token:Pmail :Pmail_arol:Cookie:Kodes 2fa
The validity of accounts is checked by their id (https://www.facebook.com /Fb_ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 After you log into your account, no replacements are made. Trust much higher than that of ordinary FPs, it flies off much less often after launch. High chance of unbanning using King's PZRD. Also, the store is not responsible for the performance of third-party services that automate work with accounts, such as dolphin, fb tools and others and do not guarantees compatibility of cookies, access token. Check on a small quantity before purchasing. We have the right to refuse you a replacement/refund. - How to use accounts with cookies: Cookies - Recommendations for using accounts, answers to frequently asked questions: Recommendations - Read the description carefully and make sure that this is exactly what you are looking for.
- Use high-quality proxies to log in.
- Rules for purchasing accounts: Rules - Help in purchasing accounts: Help !english_content! - Registration and all actions on the accounts were carried out from ip of USA.
- Verified by email, email included.
- Verified by SMS, we are trying to delete the number from profile to process checks.
- Farm. A generated feed displays recommendations and news from groups and friends.It is possible to join, view and like posts in thematic groups.
Advertising is shown in the feed (simulating the profile of a real user). - Fan-Page added.
- 2 Business Managers (BM) were created.BM limit $50-250.
- Profile is filled out.
- Access token (EAAB), Useragent and Cookies included.Cookies in JSON format.
- 2FA can be activated.
Log into accounts only with the proxy of the country of registration!Otherwise, there will be an error with the password, although the password is correct.There are no replacements and refunds in this case. A non-working Access token is not a reason to replace and refunds. Format of accounts: - Login:Password:Date of birth:Fb_link_ID :UserAgent:Access_Token:Email:Email_password:Cookie:2 FA_code
Attention: Account validity is verified using profile id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 After you log in, there is no replacement. How can you use accounts with cookies: Cookie. Before buying, read our rules and recommendations. Use private proxy! To get started, buy 1-2 accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you. Item No.19135
- Full information is available on the product page
693.00 ₽
6 PC.