High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Flotry from 12 months to several years. Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU +7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. Year of registration 2020 and older. Filling out the profile, GEO, age, names, number of friends: randomly+avatar+cover+subscriptions. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of "online" activity was carried out (there may be dialogs and records on the wall)- to lead to a minimum of the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, the avatar and photographs could be replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.42842
- Full information is available on the product page
1,158.75 ₽
12 PC.
Аккаунты зарегистрированы в 2016-2020 годах. Некоторые б.у., большинство никогда не использовались. ВСЕ АККАУНТЫ В ОТЛЁЖКЕ МИНИМУМ ДВА ГОДА (У МНОГИХ ОТЛЁЖКА 3-4 ГОДА). У большинства есть аватарка, у многих частичное заполнение - фото/записи и т.д. Простой вход по логину/паролю. Item No.41931
- Full information is available on the product page
1,725.00 ₽
47 PC.
High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Draw from 18 months to several years. 10-100 friends and shopping people (total). Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU+7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. Year of registration, filling the profile, country, age, names - randomly+avatar+cover+subscription. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of “online” activity was carried out (there may be chats and records on the wall)- to minimize the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, the avatar and photographs could be replaced after departure, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.37767
- Full information is available on the product page
1,233.75 ₽
13 PC.
Автореги сделаны на качественных резидентных прокси согласно своей стране, в регистрации используется 25-30 редких стран, которые показали за время свою устойчивость в работе, друзья набивались в специализированных группах ВК, где так же есть живые люди. Страны тасуются таким образом что вам в пачке из 10 аккаунтов может попасться 3-5 стран, это уменьшает шанс банов вашей сети, а при бане по 1 стране снизит ваши потери. Баны в отлежке крайне редки и не массовые. Заполнение остается на вас, берите на тест. Имена иностранные, на латинице! Item No.36878
- Full information is available on the product page
450.00 ₽
31 PC.
qualitatively restored users of VKontakte, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Frend from 6 months to several years. Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU +7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. Filling out the profile, GEO, age, names, number of friends and subscribers - random+avatar+cover+subscriptions. | There may be old dialogs and Posts on the wall. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, imitation of "online" activity (there may be fresh chats and records)- to minimize the probability of a ban after sale. In some Avatar accounts and photographs could be replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important Information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. With one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.48215
- Full information is available on the product page
933.75 ₽
5 PC.
Autoreg accounts | The guarantee 2 days after the purchase in the case of a mass batan (suspicious activity of the page) Warranty of 1 day for the numbers of the number, in the case of an anxiety - replacement of the goods • It is better to enter with ru IP • registration of accounts was carried out through high -quality software, and on mobile private proxies. • Accounts are perfect for spam, lighting, groups of groups, parsing, as well as conventional use. • The account must be used immediately after the purchase • General information: accounts are registered on mobile RU proxies and numbers +7. Slavic names, floor, beautiful photos of 4-12 pcs, age 18+ accounts live for a long time with proper use. • You can use it on any device, but if a large number of accounts is used, you need a change of agent user, proxy. • Sometimes male gender is set to reduce the number of banks. Item No.35528
- Full information is available on the product page
187.50 ₽
456 PC.
Elite Real VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Piece goods. Field 6+ months. Passwords changed and profiles are closed as much as possible. confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU +7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. The profile+avatar+cover+subscriptions are filled. 1500+ friends and subscribers total. Suitable for personal use at compliance with the rules of social network vk.com. An imitation of activity was carried out with the accounts, to minimize the probability of of a ban after sale. In some accounts, chats and records could be removed, and the avatar and photographs were replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: for safe authorization we use at the entrance to the account a private window in a browser (incognito). From one authorization is no more than in the -x different accounts per day. For the first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: IP. Enjoy use !!! Item No.48681
- Full information is available on the product page
1,758.75 ₽
1 PC.
confirmed by SMS or the number is untied - the country's mix use proxy! Issue Login: Password:id Part of the accounts can be with subscribers, this is summarized with the common number of friends (keep in mind) Item No.42996
- Full information is available on the product page
656.25 ₽
17 PC.
High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Draw from 30 days. Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU +7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Female gender. The profile is filled: avatar, cover, subscriptions. GEO, age, names, number of friends: random. Suitable for personal use for long, subject to the rules of social networks vk.com/ with accounts, an imitation of "online"- for VKontakte algorithms: there may be dialogs and recordings on the wall. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id. Pleasant use !!! Item No.48668
- Full information is available on the product page
746.25 ₽
4 PC.
High -quality author VKontakte accounts, without *2FA *. Manual registration and page design. Draw from 18 months to several years. 10-100 friends and subscribers (total). Confirmed by SMS for exclusive numbers (RU+7/KZ). You can change to your SIM card. Male Paul. The year of registration, filling out the profile, country, age, names-radon+avatar+cover+subscriptions. Suitable for personal use for a long time subject to the rules of social networks vk.com. Also with the accounts, an imitation of “online” activity was carried out (there may be chats and records on the wall)- to minimize the probability of a ban after sale. In some accounts, the avatar and photographs could be replaced after the Hold, in the process of pre -sale preparation. Important information: For safe authorization, we use a private window in the browser (incognito) at the entrance to the account. From one IP not more than 3 accounts per day. The first 2-3 days after the purchase, we recommend not loading the account with aggressive actions. Issue format: login: pass: id .. pleasant use !!! Item No.37855
- Full information is available on the product page
1,233.75 ₽
5 PC.