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How to recover your Apple account?

Restore the Apple account Apple today is one of the high -tech markets.

to maintain high status, the corporation with care is not only for technology development, but also to ensure user comfort and safety.

The main identifier that allows you to use all servicesappledevices, is Apple ID.

It consists of eight characters, including letters and numbers.

about,How to restore the account and your Apple ID, we will tell you more in this article.

sometimes happens that the user cannot remember the password of his account.

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A few steps to restore the Apple


Restore the memory of different keys.

this can only be a password, but sometimes the user forgets the ID himself.

Consider ways to restore each security code.

Recovery Apple ID

password recovery page is located herehttps: //

Apple ID Restoration

  1. at the entrance to the system click on the button “Forgot the Apple ID or password?” , which is located directly under the lines with the login and password. In the window that appears, select “If you forgot Apple id, You can find it ».
  2. Далее необходимо заполнить поля с именем, фамилией и действующей почтой соответствующей информацией.Строки с указанием предыдущих адресов электронной почты указывать необязательно, но их наличие может упростить поиск
  3. after performing these actions you will have to answer secret questions or receive a letter with indications by mail
  4. in the tab where the proposal will appear to change the password, your ID will be written on top.

restoration of the account password

to restore the password come here and fill out the data

Recovery Apple ID

  1. at the entrance to your profile, click“Forgot the Apple id or password?”, the inscription is located directly under the fields of the identification key and password
  2. Enter your Apple ID and the code from the picture. Find the button"Next"
  3. The system will offer two authentication methods: using e -mail or answers to secret questions.Choose a convenient option for you
  4. by choosing confirmation by e-mail, you need to open your mail and go through a special link in a letter to restore password
  5. if you selected control questions, you will need to indicate the date of birth and give answers to subsequent tasks

after sending the request, such a window will appear, and a message will come to the mail

Restoration of the account password

It is possible to request additional data to the service. The method of double verification was selected when creating the account.

here again two options:

  1. enter a special key that was issued to you during registration
  2. contact the company or to the service center after that
  3. Enter a new password and confirm it below.
  4. click"Password Reset"
  5. your password is dropped. Started to select“Return to my Apple id”.

Change Apple id

Change Apple ID

  1. to change the ID, first of all you need to get out of all services on your devices using the existing identification code
  2. Open the Apple service and select“Apple Id Management”. Take your current account
  3. Find item"Management of Apple ID and E-mail addresses"and click the"Change"
  4. Write the address of the new email. Cut“Save”
  5. Mail will be sent a letter with a reference to confirmation of the changes. If nothing will come, you need to return to the previous window and press the key“Send again”#1071
  6. Last step. Take from the recording with the old ID and go with the new, so that the changes come into force. Sometimes the process can take up to a day for some time. If nothing has changed after the deadline, contact the company.

How to protect your account from loss?

Supervisory is the issue of data protection on your account.Safety can be ensured in several ways.

The most effective is the connection of a two -stage check.

The inclusion of the Apple two -stage authentication

to include two -stage authentication is necessary:

  1. enter your account and find item“Safety”
  2. Press the“Reference”next to the inscription“Two -stage check”
  3. carefully read the information provided on the screen in the learning window
  4. Далее нужно ввести номер вашего телефона для рассылки сообщений с короткими кодами подтверждения.Нажмите «Продолжить»
  5. you will be sent a special code for SMS. In the next tab, enter the received number in the allotted field
  6. After that, an identification key will appear, with which you can enter the account if you forgot the password
  7. #1019 file
  8. Read the conditions of use of the function and put a checkplace on the contrary“I understand ...”. Watch the key“Turn on a two -story check”.


Now that you know how to restore your account on any Apple device and how to protect it from hacking.

Using the products of this company will become even more pleasant.

you do not have to spend your nerves and strength on the solution of this situation.

you also always have the opportunity tobuy accounts with Apple IDin our online store at attractive prices.

Save them in safety will help the acquired knowledge and methods described above.

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