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Buy a Watch Dogs account
annually developers publishes a huge number of games in the genres of strategy, races and shooters.
therefore it is logical that many companies try to surprise the game community and release the game with an unusual gameplay and setting.
For example, not so long ago, the developers from Ubisoft Montreal were releasedgame called Watch Dogs.
which included unusual ways to pass the missions by hacking various electronic devices.
In addition to a chip with hacking, there is an open world in Watch Dogs in which the player will have to interact with surrounding cars, communication systems and people.

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What is the uniqueness of the game Watch Dogs? Lifehaki!
The uniqueness of such a setting allowed the game to reverse the great interest of fans of video games around the world.
The game developer is the publisher of Ubisoft, under the brand of which the no less popular game franchise with elements of the open world was released - Assasin`s Creed.
The plot of the game is built on the concept of an information battle, the main participant of which is Aiden Pierce, which is managed by the player himself.
The main task of the pier is revenge on the offenders of his family.
During the passage of plot missions, the player will have to use the ability of remote shutdown of communication, smartphones and road traffic lights.
Beforebuy a Watch Dogsaccount, we recommend that you consider several basic advantages and unique features of the first part of the adventure action movie:
- detailed open world
- The unique capabilities of the main character in managing electronic devices
- several abilities of the player to interact with the city infrastructure through the CTOS system
After the game was released, a small downgrade of graphics was held, which was negatively perceived by the game public.
compared to demonstration videos, the game schedule at the time of the release was significantly processed.
at the request of the developers, this was due to high system requirements that were necessary for the initial version of Watch Dogs.
Note that after the release of several updates, the situation with graphics was slightly improved.
at the request of the developers, the main feature of the game is its unique concept and game setting.
Despite a huge number of products produced by developers, there are practically no games with elements of hacking.
Regarding the game modes, at the moment in the game only a single version of the passage of history is presented.
while in the second part there is a cooperative mode, for launching which online accounts are Watch Dogs.
In addition to the standard version with the game, the developers presented several supplemented publications for sale at once.
Most of these additions were provided only to those who managed to pre -order for the main game.
In some publications with the game, real clothes of the protagonist of the pier (baseball cap, T -shirt and mask) were delivered.
version of the game Watch Dogs
as already noted, simultaneously with the announcement of the main game, the developers announced several additions and exclusive publications.
Before you purchase a ready -made account with a game in our account store, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the options of game publications.
Let's start by considering the standard version of Watch Dogs.
- The first part of the adventure action movie was released in 2014, after 5 years of development and tests.At the time of the announcement of the first part, the possibility of starting the game on several game platforms was presented: Xbox, Windows PC and PlayStation.
The plot of the main version of the game is a confrontation between the protagonist Aiden Pierce with the offenders of his family. The condensation takes place as part of the modern information war, so instead of the usual weapon, the main character uses his hacker skills. As the developers themselves note, the main character uses both fists and intelligence in Equally, when passing plot tasks.
The main elements of the gameplay can be called the hacking and observation process. Smoke that the hero can hack the usual smartphone of a passerby, provides for the possibility of controlling road traffic lights, stopping train and raising bridges. - The first plot addition to the original release was released in September 2014 and was called Watch_Dogs - Bad Blood (“Poor Blood”). In addition, players are given the opportunity to play for one of the heroes of the original release - Raymond Kinni (“Ti -Bon” ).
Actions in “Poor Blood” unfold a year after the events of the original release. “Ti-Bon”, trying to leave a false mark in the Blume corporation system, falls into the whirlpool of events that the player will have to understand. The plot is ahead of the plot, in Bad Blood is first announced Cooperative mode for two players.
Now the main character can go through the main plot missions with a friend. I added several unique devices, skills and costumes to the game with this. Part of the “hacker” component, the main character received a new tool for surveillance - a radio -controlled toy machine. Supporting, the machine is capable Eliminate enemies. - В зависимости от типа издания игрокам предоставляются следующие игровые бонусы: дополнительные минуты основного сюжета, дополнительные костюмы, уникальные модификаторы оружия.Все эти бонусы доступны в следующих изданиях: «Прорыв», «Дворец», «Коронный выстрел», «Белая кепка "And others
Watch Dogs 2
The first part of the game was quite highly appreciated by critics and players, so it is logical that the developers began to actively work to create the second release Watch Dogs.
The game’s announcement took place in 2016. As an original release, the second part of the adventure action movie was published at once for several game platforms: Windows, PlayStation and Xbox.
The main concept of a franchise was also preserved - a hacking of electronic devices in a huge open game world, combining the possibilities of studying it.
as the main location, the Sun-Francisco sunny city was chosen.This choice influenced the general atmosphere of the game.
If in the original issue the hero performed tasks in the gloomy atmosphere of Chicago, now the game has gained a completely new, bright view.
as before, the main character of the game is a hacker (Marcus Holloway), who entered the ranks of the DedSec group.
compared to the first part in Watch Dogs 2 changed the gameplay.
Now the plot missions are several main parts, before passing each of which it is necessary to pass by side learning missions.
as before, the hacker abilities of the protagonist are used as the main chip.
developers notes that for the full passage of the game it is not necessary to use weapons (although this is not forbidden by the mechanics of the game).
List the main innovations and features of Watch Dogs 2, which is available on the main page of our portal:
- Freedom of choice when passing the main plot missions
- The ability to pump the skills of the protagonist
- The presence of "hacker" devices for hacking
- Open game world
- The ability to obtain information and install various traps using hacking devices
Regarding the graphic component, the same Disrupt 2.
acted as a game enginetherefore in Watch Dogs 2, system requirements have not changed, despite the fact that the general perception of Watch Dogs 2 has improved.
, however, it’s better to familiarize yourself with the system requirements beforebuy the Watch Dogs 2 Uplay.
accountcharacters Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2
Considering the games of the Watch Dogs series, you can not help but stop by considering the main characters of the game.
In addition to a well -built plot, a detailed open open world and the presence of chips with hacking and observation.
The dignity of the game many call the game characters themselves.
Consider the main game characters of the first part of Watch Dogs:
- The main protagonist of the first part of Watch Dogs is Aiden Pierce, who is a hacker hiding from the police. The pier's main task is the revenge of the offenders of his family.As the main plot passes, players get acquainted in detail with the history of Aiden.
Despite the numerous negative reviews about the most solitary mode of the game, the story of the protagonist has been worked out at a high level, which is noted by the developers and critics themselves. - Raymond Kinni-the main character of the addition “Bad Blood”. Hacker specialist engaged in monitoring systems and electronics management.
- The main opponent and enemy of Aiden Pierce is his former mentor Damien Bracks. In the process of completing tasks, the main character finds out that Brains substituted him.
In addition to the main characters, the game contains a lot of secondary heroes, most of which are enemies of the pier.
С момента выхода второй части игры прошло несколько лет, однако многие пользователи до сих пор не могут понять, кто из персонажей игры watch dogs 2 является главным антагонистом игры.
In this regard, we recommend viewing the list that presents Watch Dogs 2 characters:
- Marcus Hollowayis the main character Watch Dogs 2, the main task of which is the confrontation with the Blume group. A number of hacker abilities, most of which allows him to win enemies, without using firearms.
- Soul Nemchis the main opponent of the hacker-anarchist. It is used by the head of Blume, therefore it is the main goal of Holloway.As the main plot passes the main character, the details from the biography of Nemech become known.
Why buy a Watch Dogs account?
Formerly that all Watch Dogs versions of an adventure action movie can be bought in official developers stores, so the question “Why buy a Watch Dogs account?”.
among visitors to our portal is quite common.
Immediately note that when buying an account at the official sites of the developer, you significantly overpay even for games of two or three years ago.
Consider the main reasons for buying a ready-made account with a game in our online store:
- for the cooperative game mode with friends from users requires the presence of a license version, an account with which can be purchased on our website
- In the case of blocking the account in Uplay, you will lose access to the game, so we recommend that you have a couple of registration for the reserve
- to obtain all the achievements of a single game, you need online connection via Uplay
Considering the main advantages of the purchase of ready -made accounts with the game, one cannot fail to note the main reason for the acquisition of Watch Dogs - the quality of the game itself.
In any case,Buy a Watch Dogsaccount at any time on the main page of our site.
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