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Buy accounts on the social network “In the Circle of Friends”
"In the Circle of Friends" is a modern social network for searching for classmates and friends, finding relatives and restoring lost connections.
This site belongs to the owner of the company KM.RU.
According to internal data from the portal, in 2010 the social network had about 17,802,000 users.
In our service you can quickly buy “In the Circle of Friends” accounts; all accounts are sold strictly to one person.
In order to quickly buy products, click on the button below and find them in the list.
We send accounts in just 5 seconds to your e-mail address!
Accounts can be downloaded in your personal account, by mail without registration, or immediately after payment!
We automatically create a personal account with the history of all your orders
Long time to check the goods, up to 1-24 hours (note on the tabs)
Here you can find accounts of any social network and postal service, service, forum
Our accounts work stably on most types of Proxy
“In the Circle of Friends”: opportunities and advantages
Today, the social network “In the Circle of Friends” is quite popular among the population due to several reasons:
- Free registration is possible
- It is possible to be a member of different groups and online communities that often hold all sorts of competitions, which allows you to win valuable prizes
- Accurate search for people, which helps you quickly find new acquaintances or lost relatives
- Convenient opportunity to communicate via private messages
- Ability to upload desired photos and videos creating entire albums that your friends and relatives can view
Accounts “In the Circle of Friends” accounts are purchased for a variety of purposes:
- promoting a person on the Internet (possibly a future celebrity)
- using SMS messages you can offer users products of various origins. Based on the information on their profiles, you can sell certain products
- it is possible to create groups and invite more users to them; in the future, you can post advertisements in such groups, which will make it possible to make a profit from them
From us you can purchase both new accounts created using our website and hacked ones. It all depends on your requirements and goals.
Why is it profitable to buy “In the Circle of Friends” accounts from us
Our resource offers to purchase “In the Circle of Friends” accounts at an affordable price.
Purchasing accounts is done online, after which the accounts are sent to your mailbox.
Features of our site:
- each batch of accounts is sold only to one person. There can be no re-sale
- purchase of “In the Circle of Friends” accounts is carried out directly on the website
- in the event that the information changes, you can see the already changed data after refreshing the page
- after paying for accounts, they will be delivered to your email.It is very important that you enter your email address as accurately as possible, as your purchase may fall into the wrong hands
- then you will have 1-2 days to check your accounts for quality. In case of discrepancy, we will replace the accounts or return part of the funds
If you have any questions, write to our manager.
We will try to answer all your questions as soon as possible. Contact information is in the upper corner of the site.