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Your VKontakte account was stolen, what should you do?

Stole a VKontakte account, what to do?

Social Network "VKontakte" is the most popular in Russia at the moment, so it is logical that the number of new users is only increasing daily.

since VKontakte constantly undergoes changes, users have questions about some aspects of the functionality and its features.

In addition, many user worries the issue of protecting personal data, so the question of the theft of VK accounts can be called one of the most important users.

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How to return the stolen VKontakte account: tips and instructions

In this article we will consider the answer to the following question:“What to do if you stole the VK account?”

It is worth noting that the administration of the social network under any circumstances can not require users personal data, so you should not be maintained for scammers and send them their data supposedly for “checking security systems”.

Logical that scammers are not just hacking user accounts.

, before considering the main topic of the article, it is worth clarifying for what purposes user accounts break:

  1. for sale in account stores. Many unscrupulous managers of large exchanges for the sale of ready -made accounts replenish their database by the method of hacking other people's accounts, so you should definitely protect your page
  2. for personal use. If a fraudster does not want to purchase a ready -made account for a fee, he resorts to using the method of hacking someone else's page
  3. to search for confidential user information.Often, users simply do not notice such hacks of the page, since the main task of the attacker in this case is to search for specific information of personal nature in personal messages.
  4. for "prevention" of this type of hacking is recommended to periodically clean the messages on your page
  5. for sending spam messages
  6. to cheat other users

In any case, each of the listed reasons for theft cannot delight the usual user of the network.

when it gets into such situations, it is not recommended to enter into a dialogue with a cracker, but try to change the password from a personal page as soon as possible.

If you do not know,how to change the VKontakte password, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this process on the main page of the network.

Next, consider the main steps that should be taken in case of theft of the VKontakte account.

stole the VKontakte account, what to do?

It is logical that having faced a similar problem, the user will try all kinds of methods for returning a personal page.
It is worth noting that you should not panic, since unnecessary actions to restore access can lead an inexperienced user to complete loss of account.

Note that in most cases scammers change only the main password from the page.

are also not uncommon when hounds can change the binding and email number.

Now consider practical steps“Restoration of access VK”, which should follow when losing access to a personal page:

  1. Make sure that you enter the password from the page in the desired language. Since the VKontakte system allows users to create a password in different registers, it should be convinced before its next input whether Caps Lock
  2. If you are not able to choose the desired password, follow the link“Restoration of access VK”, which is located under the input of the authorization data. After the transition to the password restoration page, you should follow the instructions
  3. If you find that the page is in frost, it is worth determining for what reason this restriction was imposed: the network administrator or third -party virus

Important!If you suspect that the computer from which you are trying to log in on the page is infected with viruses, you should go to the account from another PC or mobile device.

If in the process of restoring the access of VK to your page you found out that it was frozen by the official administration, you can continue the process of restoring the password and access to the account.

If you are a victim of scammers and see the so -called “phishing” site in front of you (a form of entry of password and login, the entry of data into which will allow the attacker to get your data).

Cut into a PC repair or use methods of independent cleaning of a computer from pop -up pages.

are frequent cases when you maintain access to the page, but notice the activity on it, to which you have nothing to do.

In such a situation, the most correct solution would be a change of password and binding phone.

Recently, a new function of adding backup codes has appeared in the VKontakte security system, which significantly increases the “stability” of the password’s hacking account.

First actions to restore profile access

Lack of access to the page, extraneous activity in the messages, the publication of unwanted records - all this is a sign that the safety of your account of VK is at risk.

It is logical that by noticing the undesirable activity on the page, the first thing is to change the old password to more reliable.

Note that now there are a lot of specialized services on the Internet, the main task of which is the “random” password generation.

, as a rule, the passwords generated in this way are most resistant to hacking.

Consider a list of actions that should be taken to restore profile access in the first place:

  • Change the password. Genate only unique passwords, since the data used in other services can also be at risk.When drawing up a new password, use both numbers and letters with different registers and underlines
  • Pass the password restoration procedure at the link “Forgot the password?”, Which is located under the personal data entry window for authorization
  • wait for the support service in the form of SMS to the phone specified during the initial registration.

If you were able to restore access to the page, try to use all the VK protection methods available in the profile settings on the main page.

note that additional services of the so -called “two -factor authentication” also allow you to improve the level of protection of the “VK” page.

correctly change the password from VKontakte

Password Creation is the most important part of the creation of the profile of any social network, especially “VKontakte”, so in the process of generating it should be used as many characters and numbers as possible.

as already noted, random password generation services greatly simplify the task of selecting a safe password key.

as statistics shows, those pages are most often hacked, the owners of which are used by the previously involved passwords when registering a new account.

For example, there are frequent cases when the user does not bother with the creation of a new password and uses old data from the mailbox.

since the problem is quite relevant and to this day, you should consider the main points of proper replacement of the VKontakte password:

  1. Go to pageVK Restore access to pageand indicate all the data that were used during primary registration
  2. In case of confirming all the data of the network, the administration of the network will send you a code to restore access to the profile to the mobile phone number, which is attached to the page, so make sure that you have access to it
  3. after changing the password in safety settings on the main page, get back -up codes for additional protection of the page

Important!Remember that you should not send the data of your pages of the VKontakte administration and even more so other users of the network.

Recommendations for the security of the account

As already noted, now one of the main directions of the development of the social network “VK” is the security of the VK account of each user, therefore, with the release of each update in the profile settings, more and more opportunities are added, the use of which allows you to protect the page.

Consider several basic rules and recommendations that allows you to increase your personal account safety:

  • Use only unique passwords when registering an account
  • During the creation of a password, we recommend using automatic generation services of random passwords
  • Do not log in on suspicious sites through a personal page
  • once a few months change the password
  • Do not follow the links from messages sent by unfamiliar users.

observing the listed rules, you practically guarantee the safety of your page. If your VK account was stolen, use only proven methods to restore password.

In any case, users with the question "Has a VKontakte account, what to do?" will be able to find the answer in this article.

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