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Smart extension for anonymity in Google Chrome EditThisCookie

Expansion edithiscookie

now to use all the capabilities of the Internet there are a lot of functional browsers, but only a few of them are most popular.

Google Chrome can definitely be considered one of the most “advanced” in terms of the functionality of browsers.

, however, for him there are a lot of third -party additions and extensions that allow you to bypass various restrictions.

During the use of browsers, users are authorized on a huge number of resources, information about which is stored in cookies.

for an ordinary user, the Settings of the section with the parameters of the Cooks are of little interest, so the developers of most modern browsers do not equip their products with this opportunity.

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edithiscookie - full control over your cookies

In this case, users who want to independently add, delete, protect and block cuckoo files, resort to the help of third -party additions.

One of these extensions is the EDITHISCOOKIE utility, which is available for downloading in the official expansion store from Google.

This extension allows you to perform a number of the following tasks:

  • editing saved files
  • File protection
  • Import and moving cookies
  • setting the “life” of any of the files
  • Search for the necessary records.

Note that the extension can be used both to protect your own files and for obtaining authorization data from other accounts.

since the established addition “Editthiscookie” can be configured in such a way that all the data entered by the user for authorization on the site are automatically stored in a separate file.

An interesting fact.The application presented in Google Webstore is also suitable for other browsers, soedithiscookie for Yandex Browsercan be downloaded from the same pagestore.

What is useful to expans the editthiscookie?

In the process of their work, the web applications constantly interact with the saved “cuckoo files”, thereby accelerating the loading of the pages.

Using these files, online services identify already registered users, which greatly simplifies their work on the site.

since in the hands of some attackers such data can be used against their owners, browser developers do not provide the opportunity to change their settings for ordinary users.

however, in addition to the negative side of the question, the possibility of changing the settings of Cookies files allows you to simplify work with a large number of accounts.

Expanding edithiscookieBends several basic advantages:

  1. The ability to edit, delete and search for the necessary files
  2. Improvements of performance
  3. setting the validity period of a particular file
  4. File imports in separate documents
  5. The ability to collect data from a specific service
  6. Installation of filters for removing unwanted cookies.

An interesting fact. At the moment, the addition “edithiscookie” is the best in its field of utilities, so a huge number of extensions with similar functionality have appeared on the network.

, however, there is the possibility of creating the so-called Read-Oly-kuki only in the appendix in question.This function encodes files so that their reading is impossible without the program “edithiscookie.”

In addition to the already listed advantages of the utility, one cannot fail to note the convenience of its use when working with several accounts at once.

one of the functions “edithiscookie Google Chrome” is a sessor manager, which allows you to quickly switch between several accounts.

Besides, by distributing a certain set of cookies for each of the sites, you can configure switching between them through combinations of hot keys.

How to download edithiscookie?

If when working with other types of network extensions and utilities, users often have difficulties with their installation.

, in the case of the complement of “editthiscookie”, a similar problem is unlikely to arise, since the process of installing the program on the Google Chrome browser consists of only three steps:

  • Open the OfficialSupplement store for Chrome.
  • In search of additions enter the name of the utility.
  • click on "install" and wait for the utility installation.

По завершению установки Вы увидите сообщение от браузера, в котором указано местоположение ярлыка с утилитой.

The location of the label with the utility

If desired, download edithiscookie can be on third -party resources, but the most relevant version of the utility is available only in the official google additions

In any case, the process of installing the program is extremely simple, so it will not take much time even with an inexperienced user.

Important!Since in the process of operation of the application, malfunctions are possible, which often occur by reinstalling the utility itself, we recommend that you enter this page to the list of selected sites for fast installation editthiscookie.

How to use edithiscookie?

, before considering the main points for working with the program, we note that if it is incorrectly used by inexperienced users in the work of some web services, problems may occur.

therefore before installing edithiscookie, definitely decide whether you need a full access to the CUCK tuning.

as already noted, the program can be used at once for several purposes, among which the tuning of cookies, their movement, preservation, search and deletion.

Consider several basic capabilitiesedithiscookie, how to usethem and configure:

  1. The initial tuning of cookies through the utility should be done in a separate option menu. Here you can view the data on protected and blocked cookies
  2. Creation, import and search for the desired files is made in the main tab of the utility
  3. in the basic version of the utility in its main window displays information about the cookies that are available on the open page.
  4. that is

Important! In the process of changing the browser settings, take into account that some data on the open page can be displayed incorrectly.
At the end of the settings, reboot the page or the browser itself.

Why is the expansion of edithiscookie is indispensable when working with accounts?

when using several accounts on the network at once, users constantly have to change data for authorization.

If, in the case of two or three accounts, this problem is not significant, then the owner of a dozen pages has to look for third-party programs for quick entrance.

Expansion Edithiscookie Google Chromeis great for this purpose, so it is so popular.

Consider a few more positive points from working with the utility during using several accounts at once:

  • for each of the pages, you can prescribe the Cook settings, where to specify the time of the “life” of a particular file. This allows the user to be sure that an outsider will not receive access to the page
  • The ability to simultaneously use several accounts of a particular social network at once
  • access to viewing secure files.

Important!Before starting work with the main functionality of the program, it is recommended to visit the official page of the developer, where the main features of the utility are described in detail.

at the momentPageis available only in the English version, however, if there is a built -in addition to the translator, you can easily get acquainted with the instructions.

as already noted, such programs are often used by attackers to obtain personal data, so when using it, be sure that access to your PC is protected.

why not work edithiscookie?

If the process of installing the application itself is simple and understandable, then when working with EdithisCookie, problems often arise, the elimination of which can cause difficulties among ordinary users.

It is worth noting that before looking for a problem in the application itself, it is worthwhile to make sure that the stability of the Internet connection.

Often, because of problems with the network, cuisine files work incorrectly, which affects the functionality of the utility.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons why there may be problems to install and use editthiscookie.

Consider the question “Why does not work edithiscookie ?” More details:

  1. Another simple reason for the work is out of work is an outdated version.
  2. at least in the parameters of the application and the automatic update mode is indicated, in some cases this process has to be launched in manual
  3. problems on the side of the developer is also a fairly common reason why the service
  4. does not work
  5. Incompatibility with third-party network applications may be the main cause of malfunctions, so delete such programs if you want to use cuckoo manager without restrictions.

In addition to the above problems, you can note another possible reason - blocking the application itself by the provider.

since this cuckoo manager is a smart extension for anonymity, it may be blocked by state bodies.

In this case, paired with the program, it is recommended to use a proxy server with which you can maintain anonymity on the network.

In most cases to correct the above problems, it is enough to reinstall Edithiscookie Google Chrome, since this will not take you much time.

for this, remove the applications from the home page tab, then go topageand download the current version.

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