FB accounts for running advertising. Ideal for advertising and Business Managers. Access to mail through the Firstmail service Registered with mobile IP (proxy) of cellular operators of the specified country (Poland). We also advise you to use mobile proxies of the specified country, or distribute the Internet from your phone (this reduces the percentage of blocks from Facebook). Very strong, they almost never take selfies. Accounts: 5-10 photos+, avatar+, cover+, EAAB+, e-mail+, sms+, with friends - Ideal for running advertising through ADS Manager. - Ideal for reference and content of Business managers. - Ideal for transferring and receiving personal certificates (donation of Personal Advertising Accounts). - Ideal for Autofill, max trust at the start for experienced Dolphin or fbtool users. Recommended browser: Indigo, Sphere or Incogniton. Allowed to run from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex Browser. During the farming period, more than 50 logins are made to the account. Farming sessions are carried out, during each of them several random actions are performed. Such as: updating information about yourself on Facebook, adding unique photos, liking and/or posting a publication to the news feed, surfing sites and much, much more! ISSUANCE FORMAT: Log / Pass / Mail / Mail Pass / Date of Birth / ID / Cookies / Token (EAAB) / User Agent Item No.44341
- Full information is available on the product page
Facebook Польша. Фарм более 3 месяцев, 0-1000 друзей. Аккаунт высокого траста. Ежедневный вход при фарме, нагул cookie, 5-20 фото, лайки, интересы, просмотр видео, посты на стене, переписки, возможна реклама в ленте, Fan Page с заполнением. Быстрый доступ Read the product description. (supplier #1, item #44341)
Product rating based on the product sold and marked invalid. The current percentage of invalid items is 0%. Test mode.
425.00 ₽
30 PC.
FB accounts for running advertising. Ideal for advertising and Business Managers. Access to mail through the Firstmail service Registered with mobile IP (proxy) of cellular operators of the specified country (Poland). We also advise you to use mobile proxies of the specified country, or distribute the Internet from your phone (this reduces the percentage of blocks from Facebook). Very strong, they almost never take selfies. Accounts: 5-10 photos+, avatar+, cover+, EAAB+, e-mail+, sms+, with friends - Ideal for running advertising through ADS Manager. - Ideal for reference and content of Business managers. - Ideal for transferring and receiving personal certificates (donation of Personal Advertising Accounts). - Ideal for Autofill, max trust at the start for experienced Dolphin or fbtool users. Recommended browser: Indigo, Sphere or Incogniton. Allowed to run from Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Yandex Browser. During the farming period, 20 logins to the account are carried out. Farming sessions are carried out, during each of them several random actions are performed. Such as: updating information about yourself on Facebook, adding unique photos, liking and/or posting a publication to the news feed, surfing sites and much more! ISSUING FORMAT: Log / Pass / Mail / Mail Pass / ID / Cookies / Token (EAAB) / User Agent Item No.44342
- Full information is available on the product page
325.00 ₽
59 PC.
How to choose an account to work with? All instructions on how to work with the account will be included Facebook accounts (USA ) for advertising.Account trust: -up to 14-20 days of farming, up to 12 sessions farming - Avatar, cover - Filling out Bio/Hobbies - up to 15-20 posts - EAAB token - Confirmed by SMS, mail included - Up to 5-10 groups - Likes from feed - up to 5 reposts - up to 5 comments on posts - Run by site - Recording for events Issue format: Login:Password:Date of birth:Facebook_ID:useragent:token:mail:password:Cookie JSON ____ -up to 14-20 days of farming, up to 12 farming sessions- Avatar, cover- Filling out Bio/Hobbies- up to 15-20 posts- EAAB Token- Confirmed by SMS, mail included- Up to 5-10 groups- Likes from the feed- up to 5 reposts- up to 5 comments per post- Run through sites- Registration for events Issue format: Login: Password: Date of birth: Facebook_ID: user agent: token: mail: password: Cookie JSON Item No.46057
- Full information is available on the product page
504.00 ₽
51 PC.
Аккаунты фейсбук зарегистрированы вручную через эмулятор . На аккаунте добавлены 5 рекламных кабинетов, не считая РК кинга (аккаунты, где был создан рк идут в комплекте).На аккаунте добавлены 5 рекламных кабинетов, не считая РК кинга (аккаунты, где был создан рк идут в комплекте).Подтверждены по SMS. Номер удалён, чтобы уберечь вас от чеков на номер.Подтверждены по европейской почте. Почта в комплекте.Регистрация и все действия на аккаунтах производились с ip Украины. Создана родная Фан-Пейдж (FP) нового типа. В фан-пейдж добавлены аватарка, обложка, описание, 2-5 постов.Создан Бизнес Менеджер и подтвержден по почте.Фарм аккаунтов от 7+ дней и 7 сессий фарминга. ежедневная активность (посты, лайки, комменты, группы и т.п.). Активность на Facebook и вне его.Пол женский .Имена аккаунтов на кириллице.В профиль добавлен аватар, обложка, добавлены 3+ группы, инфо, хобби, 10+ постов.Токен (EAAB), Useragent и Cookies в комплекте. Cookiesв формате JSON.Установлена 2факторная аутентификация.Заходить в аккаунты нужно строго с IP страны регистрации и с Cookies. Замен и возвратов в другом случае нет. Cookies добавлять в антидетектед браузер только файлом (ссылка на файл с куки выдается при покупке), не пытайтесь скопировать все строки. Не подходящий токен не является причиной для замены. Формат выдаваемых аккаунтов: 9 _Аккаунтов:Л огин:П ароль:F b_ID:П очта:П ароль_почты:2 FA:К лючи_восстановления:U serAgent:C ookie:A ct:T oken;Д ата_рожденияВалидность аккаунтов проверяется по его id (https://www.facebook.com/ Fb_ID ) Пример https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 После Вашего входа в аккаунт замены не производятся. Закидывайте куки в антик файлом, не копируйте все строки.Не заходите в аккаунт без куки. Если по куки не заходит - присылайте пожалуйста аккаунт в тех поддержку.Базовая активность - это активность по основным направлениям, таким как лайкинг, скроллинг, вступление в группы, комментирование, публикация постов, просмотр контента и другая активность выполненная на основе заранее заложенного интереса аккаунта. На аккаунтах могут быть переписки с другими пользователями. Активность за пределами facebook - это активность в рамках которой, было посещено до 450 сайтов с пикселем за 7 дней фарминга для формирования портрета пользователя и укрепления его статуса "живого пользователя" НА некоторых из посещаемых сайтов были выполнены регистрации и авторизации.Важным этапом подготовки, является ориентирование аккаунта на последующую рекламную деятельность. Для этого создаются 2 ФП, обычная и нового образца. А так же БМ. На ФП делается небольшая подготовка, устанавливается аватар и создается пост.В процессе работы так же проходится селфи на аккаунтах, если оно возникает. Добавляются друзья, их количество может доходить до 100. На некоторых аккаунтах может не быть друзей, тк фб не предлагает добавить их.В последний день проверяются еще раз все рекламные инструменты аккаунтов, извлекаются токен и куки, которые включают полные куки сторонних сайтов.В итоге мы получаем качественный, подготовленные и ориентированные на работу с рекламой аккаунты. Где созданы БМ и ФП. - Как можно пользоваться аккаунтами с куками: Cookies - Рекомендации по использованию аккаунтов, ответы на частые вопросы: Рекомендации Внимательно прочитайте описание и убедитесь, что это именно то что Вы ищите.Попробуйте купить аккаунты фб в небольшом количестве до 10 штук и протестируйте для Ваших целей.Для входа пользуйтесь качественными прокси.- Правила покупки аккаунтов: Правила - Помощь в покупке аккаунтов: Помощь !english_content! The Facebook accounts are registered manually. 5 advertising accounts, not counting the advertising cabinet king (the accounts where the advertising cabinets was created are included).Verified by email , email included.Registered with SMS. Registration and all actions on the accounts were carried out from the ip of Ukraine. Created native business manager (BM) and verified by email.A native fan page (FP) of a new type was created. Avatar, cover, description, 2-5 posts are added to the fan pije.5 advertising cabinets were added on the account.Farm accounts from 7+ days and 7 farming sessions. daily activity (posts, likes, comments, groups, etc.). Activity on and off Facebook.Gender Female.Account names in Cyrillic.Added avatar, cover, 3+ groups, info, hobbies, 10+ posts to the profile.Access token (EAAB), Useragent and Cookies included. Cookies in JSON format.Added 2FA authorization.Log into accounts strictly from the IP of the country of registration and with Cookies. There are no replacements or refunds otherwise. Cookies are added to the anti-detected browser only as a file (a link to the cookie file is provided upon purchase), do not try to copy all the lines. A non-working Access token is not a reason to replace and refunds. Format of accounts: 9 _Accounts:L ogin:P assword:F b_ID:E mail:E mail_password:2 FA:2 FA_codes:U serAgent:C ookie:A ct:A ccess_Token;B irthdayAttention: Account validity is verified using profile id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 After you log in, there is no replacement. Basic activity is activity in the main areas, such as liking, scrolling, joining groups, commenting, posting, viewing content and other activities performed based on the accounts predetermined interest. Accounts may contain correspondence with other users. Activity outside of facebook - this is activity within which, up to 450 sites with a pixel were visited in 7 days of farming to form a user portrait and strengthen his status "live user" On some of the visited sites, registrations and authorization.An important stage of preparation is the orientation of the account for subsequent advertising activities. For this, 2 FPs are created, a regular one and a new one. Also BM. A little preparation is done on the FP, an avatar is set and a post is created.In the process of work, a selfie on accounts is also taken, if it occurs. Friends are added, their number can reach up to 100. Some accounts may not have friends, because fb does not offer to add them.On the last day, all advertising tools of the accounts are checked again, the token and cookies are retrieved, which include the full cookies of third-party sites.As a result, we get high-quality, prepared and focused on working with advertising accounts. Where BM and FP were created. How can you use accounts with cookies: Cookie. Before buying, read our rules and recommendations. Use private proxy! To get started, buy 1-2 accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you. Item No.19205
- Full information is available on the product page
1,291.50 ₽
9 PC.
- Facebook King accounts are registered automatically (autoregister) with USA ip.
- Verified by SMS and mail, mail to included.
- Manual farming from 7 days.During this time, more than 7 warm-up sessions were carried out.
- 3+ interest groups were added to .
- Added 10+ posts/reposts, 12+ likes.
- Accounts filled completely.Added avatar, cover, personal information (work, study , school, accommodation).
- Added 30+ friends.
- Token (EAAB), Useragent and cookies included.Cookies in the format JSON.
Log into your accounts strictly with a proxy of the country of registration! Otherwise, Facebook gives an error with the password, although the password is correct. There are no replacements or refunds in this case. Due to Due to increasing cases of fraud, the time to verify accounts after purchase is 30 minutes. After this, there are no replacements or refunds. Purchase the quantity you need. which you can check in the near future. We hope for your understanding. If the account you bought turns out to be invalid, you do not need to send it for unlocking, otherwise there will be no replacement If the account is invalid, then you need to send your account to support in the format in which the store gave you. Format of issued accounts: - Login| Parol| Imy| Familia| Fb_ID| Pmail | Pmail_password | UserAgent | Cookies | Token| Ddate of birth
The validity of accounts is checked by its id (example: https://www.facebook.com/ID) or service to check https://checkaccs.nppr.team/ After you log into your account, there is no replacement are made. If you are logged into your account and there is either a check or a ban, then this may be caused by your login or your other actions that are not suitable for the proxy and such accounts cannot be returned or exchanged. After you log into your account replacements are not made. Also, the store is not responsible for the performance of third-party services that automate work with accounts, such as dolphin, fb tools and others. does not guarantee compatibility of cookies, access token. Check on a small quantity before purchasing.We have the right to refuse you a replacement/refund. - How to use accounts with cookies: - Recommendations for using accounts, answers to frequently asked questions: - Read the description carefully and make sure that this is exactly what it is what you are looking for.
- Try to buy FB accounts in small quantities up to 10 pieces and test for your purposes.
- Use high-quality proxies to log in.
- Rules purchasing accounts: - Help in purchasing accounts: !english_content! - The Facebook King accounts are registered automatically.
- Registration and all actions on the accounts were carried out from the ip of USA.
- Verified by SMS and email, email included.
- Farm accounts from 7 days. During this time, more than 7 sessions were performed.
- Added 3+ interest groups.
- Added 10+ posts/reposts, 12+ likes.
- Accounts are completely filled .Added avatar, cover, personal information (work, study, school, accommodation).
- Added 30+ friends.
- Access Token (EAAB), Useragent and cookies included.Cookies in JSON format.
Log into accounts only with the proxy of the country of registration!There are no replacements and refunds in other cases. If the account you bought is invalid - you dont need to send it to unlock, write to support.otherwise there will be no replacement If the account is invalid, then the account must be sent to support in the format in which the store gave you. Format of accounts: - Login| Password| Name| Surname| Fb_ID| Email| Email_password | UserAgent | Cookies| Token| Date_of_birth
Attention: Account validity is verified using profile id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 After you log in, there is no replacement. To access email, you need to use IMAP, for example mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird.Browser login may be restricted by the service. If you are logged into your account and there is either a check or a ban, then this may be caused by your login, or your other actions or bad proxies.These accounts are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.After you log in to your account, there is no replacement. Also, the store is not responsible for the performance of third-party services that automate work with accounts, such as dolphin, fb tools and others, and does not guarantee the compatibility of cookies, access token. Check on small quantity before purchase.We have the right to refuse you a replacement / refund. - How can you use accounts with cookies: . Before buying, read our and . To get started, buy few Facebook accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you. Item No.36751
- Full information is available on the product page
942.48 ₽
2 PC.
- Facebook King accounts are registered automatically (autoregister) from Ukraine ip.
- Verified by SMS and mail, mail in included.
- Added and filled in fan page.
- Manual farming from 7 days.During this time more than 7 warm-up sessions were performed.
- Added to 3+ groups by interests.
- Added 10+ posts/reposts, 12+ likes.
- Accounts filled completely. Added avatar, cover, personal information (work, study, school, accommodation).
- Added 30+ friends.
- Token (EAAB), Useragent and cookies included.Cookies in JSON format.
Login into accounts strictly from a proxy of the country of registration! No replacements or refunds otherwise . Format of output accounts: - Login| Parol| Imy| Familia| Fb_ID| Pmail | Pmail_password | UserAgent | Cookies | Token| Ddate of birth
The validity of accounts is checked by its id (example: https://www.facebook.com/ID) or service to check https://checkaccs.nppr.team/ After you log into your account, there is no replacement are made. If you are logged into your account and there is either a check or a ban, then this may be caused by your login or your other actions that are not suitable for the proxy and such accounts cannot be returned or exchanged. After you log into your account no replacements are made. Also, the store is not responsible for the performance of third-party services that automate work with accounts, such as dolphin, fb tools and others. does not guarantee compatibility of cookies, access token. Check on a small quantity before purchasing. We have the right to refuse you a replacement/refund. - How you can use accounts with cookies: - Recommendations for using accounts, answers to frequently asked questions: - Read the description carefully and make sure that this is exactly what you are looking for.
- Try to buy FB accounts in small quantities up to 10 pieces and test for your purposes.
- For use high-quality proxies to log in.
- Rules for purchasing accounts: - Help in purchasing accounts: !english_content! - The Facebook King accounts are registered automatically.
- Registration and all actions on the accounts were carried out from the ip of Ukraine.
- Verified by SMS and email, email included.
- Fan-Page is added.
- Farm accounts from 7 days.During this time, more than 7 sessions were performed.
- Added 3+ interest groups.
- Added 10+ posts/reposts, 12+ likes.
- Accounts are completely filled.Added avatar, cover, personal information (work, study, school, accommodation).
- Added 30+ friends.
- Access Token (EAAB), Useragent and cookies included.Cookies in JSON format.
Log into accounts only with the proxy of the country of registration!There are no replacements and refunds in other cases . If the account you bought is invalid - you dont need to send it to unlock, write to support.otherwise there will be no replacement If the account is invalid, then the account must be sent to support in the format in which the store gave you. Format of accounts: - Login| Password| Name| Surname| Fb_ID| Email| Email_password | UserAgent | Cookies| Token| Date_of_birth
Attention: Account validity is verified using profile id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 After you log in, there is no replacement. To access email, you need to use IMAP, for example mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird.Browser login may be restricted by the service. If you are logged into your account and there is either a check or a ban, then this may be caused by your login, or your other actions or bad proxies.These accounts are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.After you log in to your account, there is no replacement. Also, the store is not responsible for the performance of third-party services that automate work with accounts, such as dolphin, fb tools and others, and does not guarantee the compatibility of cookies, access token. Check on small quantity before purchase.We have the right to refuse you a replacement / refund. - How can you use accounts with cookies: . Before buying, read our and . To get started, buy few Facebook accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you. Item No.37995
- Full information is available on the product page
866.25 ₽
19 PC.
- Facebook King accounts are registered automatically (autoregister) from Ukraine ip.
- Verified by SMS and mail, mail in included.
- Manual farming from 3 days.During this time, more than 3 warm-up sessions were carried out.
- Added 5+ posts/reposts, 5+ likes.
- Accounts filled completely.Added avatar, cover, personal information (work, study, school, accommodation).
- Added 15+ friends.
- Token (EAAB), Useragent and cookies included.Cookies in JSON format .
Log into accounts strictly with a proxy country of registration! No replacements or refunds otherwise. Format of issued accounts: - L ogin| Пarol| Имя| Фamilia| Fb_ID| Pmail | Pmail_password | UserAgent | Cookies | Token| Ddate of birth
The validity of accounts is checked by its id (example: https://www.facebook.com/ID) or service to check https://checkaccs.nppr.team/ After you log into your account, there is no replacement are made. If you are logged into your account and there is either a check or a ban, then this may be caused by your login or your other actions that are not suitable for the proxy and such accounts cannot be returned or exchanged. After you log into your account no replacements are made. Also, the store is not responsible for the performance of third-party services that automate work with accounts, such as dolphin, fb tools and others. does not guarantee compatibility of cookies, access token. Check on a small quantity before purchasing. We have the right to refuse you a replacement/refund. - How you can use accounts with cookies: - Recommendations for using accounts, answers to frequently asked questions: - Read the description carefully and make sure that this is exactly what you are looking for.
- Try to buy FB accounts in small quantities up to 10 pieces and test for your purposes.
- For use high-quality proxies to log in.
- Rules for purchasing accounts: - Help in purchasing accounts: !english_content! - The Facebook King accounts are registered automatically.
- Registration and all actions on the accounts were carried out from the ip of Ukraine.
- Verified by SMS and email, email included.
- Farm accounts from 3 days.During this time, more than 3 sessions were performed.
- Added 5+ posts/reposts, 5+ likes.
- Accounts are completely filled.Added avatar, cover, personal information (work, study, school, accommodation).
- Added 15+ friends.
- Access Token (EAAB), Useragent and cookies included.Cookies in JSON format.
Log into accounts only with the proxy of the country of registration!There are no replacements and refunds in other cases. If the account you bought is invalid - you dont need to send it to unlock, write to support.otherwise there will be no replacement If the account is invalid, then the account must be sent to support in the format in which the store gave you. Format of accounts: - Login| Password| Name| Surname| Fb_ID| Email| Email_password | UserAgent | Cookies| Token| Date_of_birth
Attention: Account validity is verified using profile id (https://www.facebook.com/ID) Example https://www.facebook.com/10004275343115 After you log in, there is no replacement. To access email, you need to use IMAP, for example mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird.Browser login may be restricted by the service. If you are logged into your account and there is either a check or a ban, then this may be caused by your login, or your other actions or bad proxies.These accounts are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.After you log in to your account, there is no replacement. Also, the store is not responsible for the performance of third-party services that automate work with accounts, such as dolphin, fb tools and others, and does not guarantee the compatibility of cookies, access token. Check on small quantity before purchase.We have the right to refuse you a replacement / refund. - How can you use accounts with cookies: . Before buying, read our and . To get started, buy few Facebook accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you. Item No.47505
- Full information is available on the product page
329.70 ₽
15 PC.
UKRAINE POWERFUL ACCOUNTS, MANUAL FARM Registration on sites with pixels, actions with advertising, orders in stores, clicks on internal advertising, reviews on advertising, warming up the fan page 15-25 days manual farming A LOT COLLECTED COOKIES FOR EACH SESSION FARM ACCOUNT PROFILE FILLED in gender F, photos added, IP Ukraine, confirmed by number, COOKIES JSON, token UNDER MOM (KING) - VERY POWERFUL FARM TRACKING!!! Manual farming from 15-25 days (Daily limit - 50$) Included: - login and password - JSON cookies - Photos added to profile - Full access to the judge's email account - Created by Fan Page and loaded with posts and reposts on a neutral topic - Fully completed profile account
Included: login:password| Profile ID| date of birth | Token| User| Cookies|Login and password correspond to the login information at email !english_content! UKRAINE POWERFUL ACCOUNTS, HAND FARM Registration on sites with pixels, actions with advertising, orders in stores, clicks on internal advertising, feedback according to advertising, warming up the fan page 15-25 days hand farm MANY COOKIE FILES ARE COLLECTED FOR EACH FARM ACCOUNT SESSION. PROFILE COMPLETED floor F, photo added, IP Ukraine, confirmed by number, COOKIES JSON, token UNDER MOM (KING) - VERY POWERFUL FARM Manual farm from 15-25 days (Daily limit - $50) Included: - login and password - JSON cookies - Added profile photos - 2 Fa (keys included) - Full access to the email that is linked to the account - A fan page has been created and filled with messages and reposts on neutral topics. - Fully completed account profile
Included: login:password| Profile ID| date of birth| token| user| Cookies|Username and password are the same as your login information. Item No.19689
- Full information is available on the product page
1,276.34 ₽
25 PC.
UKRAINE POWERFUL ACCOUNTS, MANUAL FARMING Registration on sites with pixels, actions with advertising, orders in stores, clicks on internal advertising, reviews on advertising, warming up the fan page 15-25 days manual farming A LOT COLLECTED COOKIES FOR EACH FARM ACCOUNT SESSION PROFILE FILLED in gender F, photos added, IP Ukraine, confirmed by number, COOKIES JSON, token, 2faPOD MUMMA (KING) - VERY POWERFUL FARM TRACKING!!!Manual farming from 15-25 days (Daily limit - 50$) Included: - login and password - JSON cookies - Added profile photos - 2 Fa (keys included in the kit) - Full access to the email associated with the account - Created by Fan Page and loaded with posts and reposts on neutral topics - Fully completed account profile
Included: login:password| Profile ID| date of birth | Token| User| Cookies| Keys for 2fa|Login and password are the same as your mail login details !english_content! UKRAINE POWERFUL ACCOUNTS, HAND FARM Registration on sites with a pixel, actions with advertising, orders in stores,clicks on internal advertising, advertising feedback, fan page warming up 15-25 days manual farm MANY COOKIES ARE COLLECTED FOR EVERY PHARM ACCOUNT SESSION PROFILE COMPLETE floor F, photo added, IP Ukraine, verified by number, COOKIES JSON, token, 2faUNDER MOM (KING) - VERY POWERFUL FARMManual farm from 15-25 days(Daily limit - 50$)Included: - login and password- JSON cookies- Added profile pictures- 2 Fa (keys included)- Full access to the mail that is linked to the account- Created by a fan page and loaded with neutral-themed messages and reposts.- Fully completed account profile
Included: login:password| Profile ID| date of birth| token| user| Cookies| Keys for 2fa|Username and password match the login details Item No.29053
- Full information is available on the product page
1,276.34 ₽
12 PC.
-up to 14-20 days of farming, up to 12 farming sessions - Avatar, cover - Filling out Bio/Hobbies - up to 15-20 posts - Fan page on most accounts - Token EAAB - Confirmed by mail, mail included. In rare cases, several emails may be linked to an account; when requesting codes from emails not attached to the account, replacements will not be made. Confirmed by SMS, we are trying to delete the number to process checks. - 2fa can be activated for the trust - Up to 5-10 groups - Likes from the feed - up to 5 reposts - up to 5 comments on posts - Run through sites - Sign up for events - Farming/entry is possible not from IP registration in order to increase the viability of accounts
Issue format: Login:Password:Date of birth:Facebook_ID:user agent:token:mail:password:Cookie JSON:codes 2fa44edited 16:04 Item No.45963
- Full information is available on the product page
252.00 ₽
10 PC.
UKRAINE POWERFUL ACCOUNTS, MANUAL FARM Registration on sites with pixels, actions with advertising, orders in stores, clicks on internal advertising, reviews on advertising, warming up the fan page, 14 days of farming COLLECTED VERY MANY COOKIES ON EACH SESSION FARM ACCOUNT PROFILE FILLED in gender F, photos added, IP UKRAINE, confirmed by number, COOKIES JSON, token, 2FA UNDER MOM (KING) - VERY STRONG TRACKING!!!Manual farming 14+ days (Daily limit - 50$) Included:- Login and password - JSON cookies - Photos added to profile - 2 Fa (keys included in the kit) - Full access to the judge's email account - Created by Fan Page and loaded with posts and reposts of neutral topics - Fully completed account profile
Included: login:password| Profile ID| date of birth | Token| User| Cookies| Keys for 2fa| Item No.29406
- Full information is available on the product page
1,184.86 ₽
4 PC.
How to choose an account to work with? All instructions on how to work with the account will be included How to choose an account for Facebook: tips for buyers If you plan to run ads on Facebook , it is important to understand the difference between regular accounts and business managers (BM). Standard Facebook accounts are intended for personal use and provide access to the advertising account. Business managers, in turn, are suitable to manage multiple advertising campaigns and assets at the same time, which can be useful when working in a team or with a large volume of ads. What is account trust and why is it important Account trust is an indicator of trust in it from Facebook. The higher the trust, the less likely it is to be blocked, which means the more stable the advertising campaigns will work. The trust is formed based on the age of the account, its activity and some additional elements, such as the presence of friends and confirmed email. Basic factors for choosing an account - Age of the account and presence of friends. Accounts with a longer history and friendly connections seem natural to Facebook, which increases their trust. Older accounts with friends are less susceptible to blocking. 2 weeks is enough for the account to gain its strength, everything above does not play a special role for the trust. An account that is 2 years old or an account that is 2 weeks old will work the same if initially created correctly.
- Availability of mail. A confirmed email address plays an important role in the security and trust of the account. An account with mail is easier to restore in case of suspicious actions, which increases its reliability.
- Photos and a completed profile. Accounts with photos and completed information are perceived as “live” and attract less attention from Facebook when running ads. The presence of photos makes the account more natural in the eyes of the platform.
- Geo-location of the account. Geo-location of the account does not limit the launch advertising in other countries, but it is important that the proxy servers match the geolocation of the account. This helps to avoid suspicion and blocking caused by a sudden change of IP address.
- Farm accounts. Specially prepared (farm) accounts go through a “warm-up” period, when small actions are taken on them to create visible activity. This increases their trust and reduces the risk of blocking when starting advertising campaigns.
- Business Manager (BM). If you plan to manage a large number of ads or targeted audiences, purchasing an account with a linked BM can be a convenient solution.BM allows you to organize the management of advertising assets with greater flexibility.
Conclusion Choosing a Facebook account for advertising requires a careful approach. Consider parameters such as account age, email availability, profile completeness and friends to get high trust. This is especially important for affiliate marketing advertising campaigns, where account stability and reliability directly affect the success of campaigns. - up to 14-20 days of farming, up to 12 farming sessions - Avatar, cover - Filling out Bio/Hobbies - up to 15-20 posts - Fan page on most accounts - Token EAAB - Confirmed by mail, mail included in the kit. In rare cases, several emails may be linked to an account; when requesting codes from emails not attached to the account, replacements are not made. Confirmed by SMS, we try to delete the number to process checks. - 2fa can be activated for a trust - Up to 5 -10 groups - Likes from the feed - up to 5 reposts - up to 5 comments on posts - Run by sites - Registration for events - Farm/entry from the USA IP is possible. Issue format: Login:Password:Date of birth:Facebook_ID:user agent:token:mail:password:Cookie JSON:2FA codes ____ - up to 14-20 days of farming, up to 12 farming sessions- Avatar, cover- Filling in Bio/Hobby- up to 15-20 posts- Fan page on most accounts- EAAB token- Confirmed by mail, mail included.In rare cases, several mails can be linked to an account, when requesting codes from mails not attached to the account, no replacements are made.Confirmed by SMS, we try to delete the number for passing checks.- 2FA can be activated for trust- Up to 5-10 groups- Likes from the feed- up to 5 reposts- up to 5 comments on posts- Run through sites- Registration for events- Farming/entries from the US IP is possible. Output format: Login: Password: Date of birth: Facebook_ID: UserAgent: Token: Email: Password: Cookie JSON: 2FA codes Item No.43885
- Full information is available on the product page
312.90 ₽
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