Buy telegram accounts, country Kenya (+254)
Account format TDATA+Session json (for the desktop application Portable exe, does not work on MacOS)
Accounts may contain archived chats. This does not affect anything, you have a 2FA password, you can change it to your own, nothing will happen to your account.
Username installed.
2fa installed (anti-theft protection).
Gender of accounts mixed.
To check telegram accounts 1 hour, after this time the replacement may be refused!
Use high-quality mobile proxies!
No replacements/refunds when working with VPN or home Internet no!
All accounts are carefully checked before uploading, therefore: - Account replacements only if there are video materials confirming that the account was not valid UNTIL the moment you enter it. The video should show the moment of purchase and account verification by phone number on the web telegram authorization page Next, standard login to the account according to the instructions below using the Mobile Internet of the corresponding country, Russian accounts means mobile Internet Russia. - If after a successful login, after some time, your session crashes for some reason, this is not a reason to replace it, but a reason to analyze your actions and find an error in them. (use the current version of Portable Telegram, use mobile proxies, and do not press the exit account button yourself - this will close your session completely in this archive).
Recommendations for purchase. Buy accounts if you know and know how to use them. (the store does not provide training on working with accounts) Use high-quality mobile proxies, VPN and other public proxies ban accounts. Buy several first telegram accounts and check them for your work, if they are suitable, buy more.
You should not run 30 accounts on 1 proxy, there is a possibility that one PROXY will ban the entire pack of accounts. If you use mobile proxies, you can use one, but make sure that the ip changes. If you bought a lot of accounts, check 1-3 accounts first, so as not to kill all accounts if something goes wrong so. ATTENTION!!!!!Account archives are stored on a file hosting service for 30 days, download immediately after purchase so that you have them locally in case of deletion from the cloud! Item No.15330