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Buy an Assassins Creed account

Buy an Assassins Creed account

In 2007, computer was publishedgame Assassins Creed.

The game is made in the style of a medieval adventure, which includes elements of the so -called “Parsu”, studying the open world and combat contractions.

company developer is notorious ubisoft.

The first part of the game about the “Credo of the Assassins” was warmly met by critics and players around the world.

therefore, starting in 2007, developers are trying to release one part of the game annually.

now the game series has about 10 issues.

Each of the units is an adventure action movie, in which special attention is given to secretive movement and combat mechanics.

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Assassins Creed


The essence of the gameplay of each of the parts is largely similar: Gamer controls the main character.

The main task of which is to complete the tasks (often missions are reduced to the killing of a particular game character) in the open game world.

The main feature of the game series, which in many ways has become a key "chip", is the possibility of moving the protagonist in high -rise buildings, structures and trees.

Also gamers note a unique game setting with huge capabilities.

Almost new issues of the Credo Assassin are published with the multiplayer mode, so the demand for Assassins Creed accounts is increasing more and more.

In our store you can purchase accounts of most parts of the Assasins Creed Games series.

therefore wishing to play for a “secretive warrior.”

We recommend visiting the main page of our portal, where you canbuy an Assassins Creed.


Assassins Creed more than ten years have passed since the first.

for such a time period, the developers from Ubisoft managed to release ten more games "Assassins Creed", not counting the additions.

Despite the preservation of the general concept of the series, each new part is strikingly different from the previous one.

Now the main development rate is made on the graphic component and elaboration of the game world.

The combat system is also subjected to significant improvements.

, taking into account the fact that several parts were not the most successful, the development of the game series as a whole cannot be noticed.

as already noted, now ten parts of the game are available to players at once (not counting the original “AK” of 2007), the following of which:

  1. Assassin’s Creed 2.Famous "chips" of the game are added, one of which "eagle vision"
  2. brotherhood. Firstly, a full multiplayer-mode is implemented
  3. revelations. New types of weapons, modified multiplayer
  4. Assassin’s CREED 3. Great game locations are located in US cities
  5. Black Flag. The main rate of developers in this part was made to sea battles
  6. unity. Cooperative mode for 4 people
  7. rogue. The schedule
  8. syndicate (elaboration of the arsenal of the player’s weapons, the presence of only a single -user regime
  9. origins. It is possible to change the time of day, the chip "Eagle vision, the fighting system
  10. is processed.
  11. odyssey. Firstly, an element of role -playing game, constructing dialogs, the plot of the plot occur in ancient Greece

In our store you canBuy an Assassins Creedaccount of several parts at once.

that will allow you to log in to the Origin system and conduct online transfers with other players.

Before you purchase an account, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a detailed description of each of the parts of the series.

Assassins Creed 3 Deluxe Edition

Assassins Creed 3 Deluxe Edition Automed version of the Assassin S Creed III Deluxe EDITION tasks, locations, costumes and types of weapons.

Of course in additions, all the shortcomings and bugs of previous versions were corrected and, in addition, new opportunities and cards were added.

Special thanks should tell the developers for a detailed study of new cards in addition.

Separately, it is worth noting a large number of cards in addition:

  • card "Charlestown"
  • Location Fort "Saint-Myshee"
  • Map "Saint Pierre"

All these new locations keep additional missions, secrets and “Achivka.”

sometimes it may take 5-10 hours of the game to pass the missions from the addition.

some of DLC going in the Deluxe Edition set can be called full -fledged independent games.

since new locations, costumes and weapons radically change the general perception of Assasins Creed.

Important!Along with new locations, costumes, weapons, missions and secrets in the addition, there is an official soundtrack of the 3rd part.
Cooperative mode of the game in AC3 is available only if there is a licensed version, which forces the players to purchase the game 2012 for the full cost.

In this case, we recommend purchasingaccounts with the Assassins Creed III Deluxe Editionstore in our store, which presents acceptable prices for all types of “goods.”

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Assassins Creed 3

Assassins Creed 3 According to critics and playing community, the third part of the series is considered one of the best.

a combination of excellent graphics (at the time of exit in 2012), an exciting plot, a modified combat system and ample opportunities for customization of the main character.

All this made it possible to becomeAssassin S Creed III, which can be downloaded on the main page of our portal, the best -selling part for Ubisoft.

The main plot in Assassins Creed 3 occurs in the territory of the US cities.

The plot combines two lines at once, so the total time of passing the "History" can take up to 15-20 hours.

in general, the third part of the “Credo Assassin” managed to correct the mistakes of the previous issues.

thereby improving the general perception of the game for an ordinary player. “AK3” is published for both Play Station consoles and for PC.

Important! Before purchasing an account with the game, we recommend reading Assassins Creed III System Requirements to avoid problems with its installation.

In our store you canBuy an Assassins Creedaccount for a career and multiplayer mode.

Vast capabilities for customization brought an additional “charm.”

since in the previous parts to gamers were not provided with costumes to choose from.

In general, the third part set the general vector of the development of the Assassins Creed series, therefore, it is now very popular with players around the world.

Important! You can download Assassins Creed III using a torrent, but in this case there will be no access to online mode.

Assassins Creed 2 Deluxe Edition

Assassins Creed 2 Deluxe Edition After the success of the original part of the game, the release of the second issue was not long in coming.

already in 2009, the developers from Ubisoft presented the continuation of the original adventure action movie Assassin S Creed II Deluxe Edition.

Many continuation was similar to the original first part.

, however, brought with it the following list of changes and improvements:

  1. finalized graphics
  2. New chips (eagle vision)
  3. Increased open card
  4. introduction of new characters andProcessing the main plot

since the second part is a full -fledged continuation, all the actions of the protagonist still occur in medieval Italy (to be precise, in the Renaissance).

The uniqueness of the game setting is that as the story passes through the main character, can meet real historical personalities,.

such as Medici, Leonardo da Vinci and Niccolo Machiavelli.

In terms of physics of the protagonist, the movement system for buildings (parkour) was slightly changed.
Despite the attacks of critics about the uncomfortable management of the character from the PC keyboard, the players positively speak about the game as a whole.

Even now, whenAssassins Creed 2015-2018 accounts are available on sale.

The popularity of the second part of the game (especially additions with costumes, weapons and new locations) is still high.

Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag

Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag The fourth -fourth game of the series brought with it in terms of gameplay.

In this issue “Assassin Credo”, the developers made a bet on sea battles.

Huge selection of ships of various classes, excellent graphic performance of the water world and a fascinating plot.

All this allows Black Flag to be considered one of the best in the series.

since the actions of the game unfold in the so -called "era of piracy".

Most of the player will have to participate in sea battles and travels.

Realistic behavior of the vessel and water surface can tighten the players for several hours in free swimming mode.

Consider the main features and“chips” Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag:

  • free swimming mode on ships of different classes is available at any time
  • according to many critics and players, the 4th part is considered the most spectacular
  • Huge game card and elaborate open world
  • unexpected plot turns

Regarding the duration of the game, Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag can take passage from gamers for 7-10 hours (excluding free swimming).

in general,part Assassins Creed IV Black Flag, which can be downloaded in our account store, has become a worthy successor of the series, having brought in itself somewhat unique for the “Assassin Credo”.

Assassins Creed Unity

Assassins Creed Unity The fifth part of the Assasins Creed games was released in 2015 called UNITY.

for the first time developers from afar Assassins Creed at once on several game platforms: Play Station, Xbox and PC.

The main plot takes place in Paris of the 18th century.Also in "Unity".

first added cooperative mode, with the possibility of passing missions up to 4 people.

thereforeAssassins Creed Unitystands out with particular popularity.

“Credo Assassina” in 2015 received the following list of improvements and improvements:

  1. New opportunities for parku
  2. The map is processed (now instead of using the card you can climb to the top of the building and mark the necessary locations)
  3. New levels of development of the ability "eagle vision"
  4. Full customization of characters
  5. Reviewed missions system

In general, 2015 release can be evaluated as global work on the past errors of the series.

Such processing and rethinking the concept of the series led to the fact that the largest media made up only positive reviews about the game.

In our store for gamersAvailable to sell Assassins Creed Unity account, which can be used for a single mode and multiplayer.

Since the development of Assassins Creed Unity was accelerated (for the release of a new part within the prescribed time), the first owners of the Unity noted a large number of bugs.

Right now, when several patches came out that correct all the bugs, there are no problems in the gameplay.

The only thing to consider when buying an account in our store is Assassins Creed Unity System requirements.

after you decide to buy an Assassins Creed Unity account, it is worth remembering that you can download the Assassins Creed Unity to your PC only through the official customer Origin.

Assassins Creed Odyssey

Assassins Creed Odyssey The latest release of the AK game series - Odyssey.All plot actions take place in ancient Greece.

so the players have a great opportunity to study many architectural attractions of that time.

in general, each new part of Ubisoft is becoming more attractive in terms of the graphic component.

In addition to graphic refinements and a new game setting, Assassins Creed Odyssey Allows you to familiarize yourself with a number of less significant innovations:

  • The presence of two main characters at once
  • gradual transition from an adventure action movie to a role action (the plot depends on the choice of replicas in the dialogs of the main characters)
  • Additional passage modes

Assassin S Creed Odyssey, whose account can be bought on the main page of our online store, as before the elements of Parsu, RPG and action movie.

Implementation of new locations, historical characters and increasing the game card play only the benefit of “Assassins Creed Odyssey”.

therefore high demand for it from the side of gamers is quite justified.

Request “Assassins Creed Odyssey to buy an account” is very popular in search engines, so our store shows several accounts for each of the parts of the series.

Important! Before downloading and installing, read the Assassins Creed Odyssey System requirements, since for a comfortable play on high settings you will need a very productive PC.

Assassins Creed Origins

Assassins Creed Origins One of the most beautiful parts "Kredo killer" - Origins.

The action of the plot takes place in ancient Egypt, which in itself is a winning version of developers.

High -quality textures, a worked out open world, unique locations and new opportunities - all this combines Assassins Creed Origins.

Consider several main modifications of the release about Egypt:

  1. Possibility to choose the complexity of passage
  2. new research mode
  3. control panel "Animus" (exclusively for PC users)
  4. Changing the time of day

Inexpensive Assassins Creed Origin account can be purchased at our store.

Note that before buying an account, you should read the warranty conditions and get acquainted with the available payment methods.

In addition to accountingAssassins Creed Origins, which you can buy on the main page of the portal.

We have many other accounts for social networks, postal services and Internet communities.

In addition to the fact that we can buy an Assassins Creed Origin account, in the search on the main page you can find accounts of AK - “Syndicate.You can buy an Assassins Creed Syndicate account here.

Why buy Assassins Creed accounts?

after reading this article, some users could have a question: “Why buy Assassins Creed accounts?

List several reasons for the acquisition of ready -made accounts of the “Credio of the killer”:

  1. access to multipleor is possible only with a licensed version, accounts with which we have
  2. In the case of blocking the main account in Origin, the user can purchase another account from one of the listed parts
  3. The cost of current versions of the game in our service is an order of magnitude lower than in official sources

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