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Find out your IP address: IP checking services
IP-address is a digital network identifier, he created so that devices can identify each other inside the network and exchange information.
In fact, this is an analogue of any person’s passport - this thing, without which the computer cannot work on the Internet.
IP address is assigned by a provider (most often). Interesting fact: the number of addresses on the network is limited.
For example, the standard IPV4 provides for only 4 294 967 296 unique identifiers.
Learn IP Address quicklywill help the service of checking the IP address, we will talk about them a little lower.

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check services ip addresses
Before you find out the IP address of the computer, you need to mention that the device inside the network can have two identifiers - internal and external IP addresses.
one is needed to communicate technology through local access (it is internal), the other for interaction throughout the Internet (it is external).
Determination of the public IP address
Public IP address, this is a regular IP address on the Internet, which the provider gives you at the entrance to the Internet.
There are several sites that allowLearn IP address for free.
everything is done in just a few clicks. Take an IP check services, here are a few of them:
All information is displayed immediately on the main page - on the most prominent place. This is absolutely free.
Determination of the internal IP
Internal addresses are more complicated by definition. The check process will depend on the device platform:
- windows. You must open the “Search” menu and find the “command line” tool. To open, click with the right mouse button and select the line “On behalf of the administrator.”
If you cannot find the command line, then just click the combination of the “Win + R” keys and then enter “CMD” - the black (sometimes blue) window and will be a console
in the window that appears is the IPConfig command, then you need to click Enter.Data will be displayed on the display, among which there is a line IPV4.
Рядом с ней прописан код в формате:Это и есть внутренний идентификатор, то есть внутренний IP адрес.
- macos. For access, you need to find the “System Settings” section, then “Network” and find a working connection on the side panel. The Mac Nonsense will be registered under the connection status.
- android. Most likely, such information is located in the Wi-Fi network settings menu. I will differ in a large selection of the phone, the system interface may differ. However, finding the desired positions will not be difficult.#1011
If difficulties arise, you can download the free application IP Tools. He will provide information about the internal and external address.
- ios. Inituts of the mobile system Apple data about identifiers is located in the Wi-Fi settings section. It is possible to press on a round icon near an active wireless connection-the screen will open on the screen.
what can you do knowing IP address?
an analogy with a passport can be continued: like a personality certificate, IP should not show everyone in a row, but you need to know it.
without IP addresses, the computer will not know which printer to send information on.
IP Address helps in remote control and makes it possible to transfer files.
Any FTP or Telnet client requires knowledge of the network identifier to create a connection.
Do I need to hide the IP address on the Internet?
quite often users have to hide their IP address.
This is done in order to hide your real IP address on the Internet.
For example, fraudsters on the Internet always hide their IP addresses so that they cannot be found on the Internet.
IP Address allows unauthorized persons to find out information about a person: the real location of the device, coordinates, point on the map and even home address.
sometimes experienced people find out even the email address of the mailbox on social networks knowing only IP address.
This does any such as antivirus and firewall defending a vulnerable to attackers of attackers.
when working with social networks, if possible, it is recommended to hide your address.
is not only about protection from scammers, but also about the security of the account.
for example, sometimes during social networks, daily limits are violated, and the user is blocked by IP.
to avoid this, you can hide your address.
The social network will not recognize you as a specific user and will make it possible to perform any actions.
have other reasons to hide your real IP:
- Digital Trace is an information base with a description of all the user’s actions on the Internet. The solution is about all kinds of “traces” of a passive and active nature. The users themselves leave them (on sites, in social networks).
- confidiousness. The desire to maintain anonymity is considered one of the main reasons. Red is not even about concealing oneself or personal information to avoid publicity.
just on the Internet there are many people who can use the addresses for personal purposes. The most harmless - advertisements. Nicks does not exclude hacking for theft of information.
PossibilityHide IP on the Internetallows you to get rid of overly interesting citizens.
- Access to blocked materials. Sometimes sites limit the “entrance to the site” to the IP address that go from certain countries. Most often this is done to protect the content and limit information views.#1019
For example, access to a specific site can only be allowed by residents of Spain.
Hidden IP address does not allow the system to recognize the whereabouts of a person and prevents the blocking. Submission of a personal identifier greatly increases the anonymity on the network.
is safe, because attackers will not be able to calculate anything about you.
In our online store sales store, you can buy various accounts of social and postal services.
In addition to hiding the IP address, you can additionally sit in your favorite social networks with an absolutely alien account.
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